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Hundred Dragons Hall Topics
First Storey Topics

Maitreya Canopy & Dhvaja Banners

Location Description


Above the Maitreya Trinity in the Hundred Dragons Hall, you will see the elegant Maitreya Canopy with a golden dragon circling above the Maitreya statue. In front of this canopy, on the ceiling, hung the Dhvaja banners.

About the Maitreya Canopy in Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum

This specially designed gilt wooden canopy shades Buddha Maitreya. Following traditional Tang Dynasty designs, motifs and colours, you will find inside the parasol, a majestic swirling Tang dragon, both interesting and inspiring.


At the inner edge, you will see the names of the sponsors.

The Canopy depicts a single profile of a twirling Chinese-styled fearsome dragon with a long serpentine scaly body and four dancing limbs almost filling the entire space. Each of its limbs sports a dark coloured five-clawed foot. Its front right foot grasps a pearl with a spiral pattern while its other feet claw through space. Flames emanate from its body while it turns and flies back towards its tail. With raised whiskers, eyebrows and antlers, it gazes intently at the viewer, opening its mouth which reveals a long red tongue and sharp fangs.


The silhouette of its head is in dark colours while its upper body is golden-green and its belly warm-golden. It has sharp pointed golden vertebral scales along the top of its back with a longer piece on every fourth scale. Eight billows of auspicious clouds are scattered around the majestic dragon while other dense clouds fill the four corners of the rectangular space.


The overall images are set against a lush golden background.

About Canopy

A baldachin (Sanskrit:chatra; Pali: vitana; Chinese: 天蓋 ; Japanese: tengai 天蓋, sangai 傘蓋, hougai 宝蓋, kagai 華蓋, kengai 懸蓋) is a canopy made of painted or gilded metal or wood; and hung above Buddhist altars and/or over Buddhist statues, said to be derived from parasols used by Indian nobility. Initially as an umbrella to shade Buddha from sun and rain, it became one of the ornaments for Buddha sculptures.


Those placed over abbots' seats are called raiban 礼盤 or jintengai 人天蓋 in Japanese.


Originally, the canopies were made of silk and were intended to resemble a long-handled Indian umbrella (Japanese: kinugasa 絹笠).


Subsequently, the canopies evolved into different shapes: square, flower, hexagonal, octagonal or circular. Many canopies were decorated with (Japanese: housouge 宝相華) openwork (Japanese: sukashibori 透彫) or relief carving (Japanese: *ukibori 浮彫) of arabesque flower patterns, dragons, clouds , lotus flowers, eight heavenly beings scattering flowers and incense, offerings and music playing (Flying asparas, Japanese: hiten 飛天) depictions.


Often ornamental objects such as the jewelled net (Japanese: ramou 羅網) were hung from the canopy. Trinkets (Japanese: youraku 瓔珞) and/or streamers were hung along its bottom edges.

About Dhvaja Banners in Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum

At the canopy's front left and right sides, were hung a pair of golden dhvaja banners. Both dhvaja banners are identical, with a long cuboid shaft which has a square base as its body and an inverted umbrella shaped canopy. Long strings of trinkets suspend from the four corners of the canopy. Nine sets of intricate floral-themed ornaments with small bells and precious stones (below) are found on each string, ending with a larger bell at the bottom.


On each four sides of the main shaft body is found the long name mantra of Buddha Maitreya (Traditional Chinese: 南無當來下生彌勒尊佛), written vertically in Li Shu (隶书). Below the mantra is a mezzo-rilievo (mid-relief) depiction of a Chinese-styled scaly three-clawed dragon flying majestically amongst blue and green cloud scrolls and red flames (above). Unlike the mantra, which were all identically depicted, each dragon on the four sides of the canopy displays a different posture.


At the bottom of the main body is a narrower cylindrical tail consisting of long thin basso-rilievo (low relief) ornate panels (above).


A multi-coloured circular lotus flower motif serves as the bottom base of the whole structure, which is visible only when viewed from below (above).

About Dhvaja Banner

Dhvaja or Victory Banner (Sanskrit: Dhvaja; Tibetan: རྒྱལ་མཚན, Wylie: rgyal mtshan; Japanese: bandou 幡幢, dou , houdou 宝幢, tendou 天幢), meaning banner or flag. The basic concept behind banners or flags with symbols is to provide a means of identification and their use as royal emblem is universal. Dhvaja banner was a military standard of ancient Indian warfare. This is one of the Eight Auspicious Symbols (Ashtamangala).

In Buddhism, the dhvaja is usually embroidered with the Sutra or Buddha's name and hung or placed in front of the Buddha's image. This decoration is to show that the Buddha is leading the people to discipline the Mara, liberate from sins, and achieve eternal happiness. The dhvaja symbolises the victory of the Buddha's Teachings over death, ignorance, disharmony and all the negativities of this world.


In ancient China, the guard of honour used to carry dhvaja during their ceremonial procession. It is like an umbrella made of silk fixed on top of a long post for carriage. After Buddhism entered China, the Buddhist translators wrote the sutras on the long cylindrical silk umbrellas and called it sutra dhvaja.


Normally, the Sutra dhvaja is cylindrical in shape, with the pearls fixed on top of the dhvaja to symbolize the mani (felicitous pearl), below is a circular cover (sometimes in hexagonal or octagonal shape), and the yellow silk strips hanged below. The cylindrical dhvaja made of yellow brocade is called Golden Dhvaja, Chinese Dhvaja or Precious Dhvaja.


In order to keep the sutra dhvaja for longer periods, Buddhist translators started to craft the sutra on stone and called it stone dhvaja, and later also called sutra dhvaja. In China, the stone dhvaja started during the Six dynasties, and the crafting of Dharani sutra started during the Tang dynasty.


Within the Tibetan tradition, there were eleven different forms of the victory banner to represent the eleven specific methods for overcoming defilements. Many variations of the dhvaja's design can be seen on the roofs of Tibetan monasteries to symbolize the Buddha's victory over four maras.

Development of Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum - Maitreya Canopy and Dhvaja Banners

The Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum canopy's design originates from a similar canopy at the Golden Pagoda Buddhist temple:


The Canopy was exquisitely handcrafted and gilded, from cypress wood by highly skilled carvers from Chin Ting Enterprise Co Ltd, Fuzhou, China.


Installation and securing the Parasol was a challenge due to the size and height involved. A special scaffold was erected to facilitate the installation.


These 2 specially designed gilt wooden Dhvaja Banners announce the arrival of the Maitreya Buddha. Following traditional Tang Dynasty designs, motifs and colours, you will find the banner with the name of Maitreya Buddha. They were all exquisitely handcrafted and gilded, from cypress wood by highly skilled carvers from Chin Ting Enterprise Co Ltd, Fuzhou, China.


The initial design was similar to the one at the Golden Pagoda Buddhist temple.

Each share of the sponsorship of the Maitreya canopy was $1,000 with 500 shares fully adopted.


Each share of the sponsorship of Dhvaja Banners was $500, with 500 shares fully adopted.


  1. Meher McArthur, Reading Buddhist Art, An Illustrated Guide to Buddhist Signs and Symbols, Thames & Hudson, 2002, ISBN 0-500-28428-8, page 118 - 119

  2. William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous, A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2000, ISBN 81-208-0319-1, pages

  3. Loden Sherap Dagyab Rinpoche, Buddhist Symbols in Tibetan Culture, 1995, Wisdom Publications, ISBN 0-86171-047-9 pages 19 - 20, 27 - 29

  4. Chhaya Haesner, Banners from Turfan, The Department of Fine Arts & The University Museum and Art Gallery, In the Footsteps of the Buddha, An Iconic Journey from India to China, The University of Hong Kong, 1998, ISBN 962-8038-23-0, pages 93 - 108

  5. Robert Beer, The Encyclopedia of Tibetan Symbols and Motifs, Boston: Shambhala, 1999, pp. 171-183.

  6. Joji Okazaki岡崎讓治, Butsugu daijiten仏具大事典, Tokyo: Kamakura Shinsho镰倉新书, Showa 57[1982], pp.72-107.