Auspicious Thread (Sai Sin สายสิญจน์) Wristband (6mm)
The Auspicious Thread (Sai Sin สายสิญจน์) Wristband is a meaningful spiritual accessory that carries both beauty and symbolism. Crafted with five beads representing the Five Buddhas — Kakusandha (拘留孙佛), Kanakamuni (拘那含佛), Kassapa Buddha (迦叶佛), Shakyamuni Buddha (释迦牟尼), and Maitreya (弥勒菩萨) the wristband is designed to bring blessings of good health, prosperity, and protection to the wearer. The beads, combined with the Sai Sin thread, are steeped in tradition and are mass-chanted by the sangha monks, enhancing their spiritual potency. Scientifically, the beads are made from durable materials, with a hardness that ensures long-lasting wear. While the thread itself may seem simple, its importance in sacred traditions makes it rare compared to ordinary bracelets. Chakrically, the Five Buddhas represent alignment with wisdom and compassion, connecting the wearer to spiritual growth and inner peace.