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圆宗长老,法名法定, 1937 出生於高雄县田察乡。圆宗长老十六岁於大冈山旧超峰寺礼上心下钵和尚剃度出家,二十二岁于台北市十普寺求受具足戒。圆宗长老历任第17 届与18 届台湾中国佛教会理事长,也是台湾日月禅寺的开山住持。


圆宗长老在台湾佛教界担任数重要职务。他历任台中慈明佛学 院训导主任、中国佛教布教会副团长、台湾省佛教分会常务理 事、中国佛教会理事及高雄县佛教会理事长。并经常应邀至香港、马来西亚、新加坡、泰国、日本、韩国、美国、加拿大等地弘法。





Bodhisattva Manjushri holds a Vajra sword (of discriminating insight) in his primary right hand and a volume of the Prajna Paramita (Perfection of Wisdom) Sutra in his left. Bodhisattva Manjushri sits atop a celestial lion, which highlights his princely and fearless nature. His youthfulness indicates that wisdom arises from him naturally and effortlessly.​​


In Mahayana Buddhism, Manjusri is the bodhisattva of wisdom and is one of the most important iconic figures in Mahayana art and literature.


He represents the wisdom of prajna, which is not confined by knowledge or concepts. Images of Manjusri, as with images of other bodhisattvas, are used for meditation, contemplation, and supplication by Mahayana Buddhists.


In Theravada Buddhism, neither Manjusri nor other bodhisattva beings are recognized or represented. ​​Manjusri in Sanskrit means "He Who Is Noble and Gentle."


Manjusri first appears in Buddhist literature in Mahayana sutras, in particular, the Lotus Sutra, the Flower Ornament Sutra, and the Vimalakirti Sutra as well as the Prajna Paramamita Sutra. (The Prajna Paramitata is actually a large collection of sutras that includes the Heart Sutra and Diamond Sutra) He was popular in India by no later than the 4th century, and by the 5th or 6th century he had become one of the major figures of Mahayana iconography.