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First Storey Topics

Maitreya Trinity

buddha maitreya trinity

Upon entering the main hall which is located on the ground floor of the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple Museum, you will be awed by the wondrous breathtaking Hundred Dragons Hall. This main hall has a double volume space of 27-feet height to accommodate the 15-feet Buddha Maitreya statue. All the interior fittings are designed according to the Tang Dynasty Buddhist temple décor and fittings.

Inside the Hundred Dragons Hall, you will notice the pervading sense of calm and peacefulness; the presence of many devotees offering to Buddha Maitreya fresh Dendrobium orchids, perfumed candles and agarwood incense, whilst whispering their prayers and wishes. During Buddhist ceremonies, the Hall will be filled with the voices of numerous black-robed devotees chanting the sutras with Venerable Chao Khun Fa Zhao. A wonderful juxtaposition of sight, sound, smell and spirituality!

About Maitreya Trinity in Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum

Buddha Maitreya is in the middle of the venerated Maitreya Trinity, with the Bodhisattva Dharma Garden Grove on the left and the Bodhisattva Great Wondrous Appearance on the right.

The majestic Buddha Maitreya was initially modelled after a similar Tang period statue at Fo Gong Si at Mount Wutai, Shanxi, China.

It was carved from a single log and painstakingly hand painted using grounded natural stones and vegetable dyes. The Buddha Maitreya sits in a typical Tang Bhadrasana (auspicious) posture, also called Pralambapadasana (European pose), with feet resting on a lotus, symbolic of royalty.

The right hand is raised in the Abhaya mudra (protection, benevolence, peace and dispelling of fear), and the left hand, resting on the left knee, holds a golden water bottle (kundika) containing the amrita.

A gilt crown (mukuta) is worn to symbolise the royal status.

Left hand

Right hand

The Buddha Maitreya is seated on the rectangular Singhasana (lion) throne, a symbol of the Buddha’s royal ancestry and the great strength of His Teachings. Lion thrones are commonly seen in early Chinese Buddhist statues.

The aureole (nimbus or mandorla) is shaped like a lotus petal curved towards the head. It has colourful swirling aura and clouds radiating from the head, with a small stupa at the top.

About Buddha Maitreya

Maitreya, (Sanskrit: Maitri, Metta; Pāli: Ariya Metteyya; Tibetan: Jampa; Mongolia: Maijdari; China: Milofo, 彌勒菩薩 (Mílè Púsa) ; Japan: Miroku, Mirokubutsu 弥勒仏, Miraibutsu 未来仏, Shouraibutsu 将来仏; Korean: Miryek Bosal, 미륵보살) is the future Buddha of this world in Buddhist eschatology.


Maitreya, “The Compassionate One”, “The Compassionate Honoured One”, “The Loving One”, “The Future Buddha”, “Ajita (Invincible)” may be considered either as a Bodhisattva, according to the Sutras, or as a Buddha, according to the Tantras.


In some Buddhist literature, such as the Amitabha Sutra and the Lotus Sutra, he is referred to as Ajita Bodhisattva. It is found in the canonical literature of all Buddhist sects (Theravāda, Mahāyāna, Vajrayāna), and is accepted by most Buddhists as a statement about an event that will take place when the Dharma will have been forgotten on Earth.

About Birth

Maitreya will be the successor of the historic Buddha Śākyamuni. According to Buddhist scriptures, Maitreya will descend from the Tushita Heaven, where He now resides and teaches the heavenly beings, and to appear in this world as the fifth founding Buddha of this present kalpa (aeon or world age).

According to Maitreyavyakarana Sutra, The Prophecy of Maitreya (《佛说弥勒下生成佛经》), A translation by Bikkhu Yi Jing during Tang Dynasty:

"Maitreya, the best of men, will then leave the Tushita heavens, and go for his last rebirth into the womb of that woman. For ten whole months she will carry about his radiant body. Then she will go to a grove full of beautiful flowers, and there, neither seated nor lying down, but standing up, holding on to the branch of a tree, she will give birth to Maitreya. He, supreme among men, will emerge from her right side, as the sun shines forth when it has prevailed over a bank of clouds. No more polluted by the impurities of the womb than a lotus by drops of water, he will fill this entire Triple world with his splendour. As soon as he is born he will walk seven steps forward, and where he puts down his feet a jewel or a lotus will spring up. He will raise his eyes to the ten directions, and ill speak these words: "This is my last birth. There will be no rebirth after this one. Never will I come back here, but, all pure, I shall win Nirvana!"


His birthday is on the first day of the first month.


The prophecy of the arrival of Maitreya will occur after the Teachings (Dharma) of the current Buddha Gautama are no longer meaningfully communicated or are completely forgotten on Jambudvipa. His arrival signifies the end of the middle time, the time between fourth Buddha, Gautama, and the fifth Buddha, Maitreya, which is viewed as a low point in human existence, due to the absence of such enlightened beings. It is found in the canonical literature of all Buddhist sects (Theravāda, Mahāyāna, Vajrayāna), and is accepted by most Buddhists as a statement about an event that will take place when Dharma will be forgotten on Earth.


Maitreya's coming is characterized by a number of physical events. For example, the oceans are predicted to decrease in size, allowing Maitreya to traverse them freely. These events will also enable the reintroduction of the "true" Dharma to the people, in turn allowing the construction of a new world.


According to the three main versions of Maitreyavyakarana Sutra (translated by Zhu Fahu, Kumarajiva and Yi Jing) and Cakkavatti Sutta: The Wheel-turning Emperor, Digha Nikaya 26 of the Sutta Pitaka of the Pāli Canon), Buddha Maitreya will be born in a time when Jambudvipa will be like a western paradise on earth. Human beings will live a prosperous life with rich material wealth, good morals and good health. Humans will live to an age of eighty thousand years, in the city of Ketumatī (present Benares), whose king will be the Cakkavattī Sankha. Sankha will rule his kingdom not by military power, but with virtues and the Seven Treasures. Sankha will live in the palace where once dwelt King Mahāpanadā, but later he will give the palace away and become a follower of Buddha Maitreya.


The Buddha Maitreya is also introduced by Buddha Sakyamuni to disciple Sariputra in the Anagatavamsha.

About Enlightenment

According to Maitreyavyakarana Sutra, The Prophecy of Maitreya, A Translation by Bhikkhu Yi Jing, Foshuo Mile xiasheng chengfo jing (《佛说弥勒下生成佛经》):

"A Dragon (Naga) tree will then be the tree under which he will win enlightenment; its branches rise up to fifty leagues, and its foliage spreads far and wide over six Kos. Underneath it Maitreya, the best of men, will attain enlightenment- there can be no doubt on that. And he will win his enlightenment the very same day that he has gone forth into the homeless life."


(Note: For more information about the Naga tree, please see the web section: Naga Trees)


In the Surangama Sutra: Indestructible Sutra, 大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經 (commonly 楞嚴經),verses 111 - 118, Maitreya explains the method of cultivation he used to realise Enlightenment.

About Dharma

According to Buddhist sutras, such as The Buddha Speaks the Contemplation of Maitreya Bodhisattva Ascending to the Tusita Heaven Sutra, Foshuo Guan Mile Pusa Shangsheng Doushuaitian Jing (《佛說觀彌勒菩薩上生兜率天經》), Maitreya is preaching to celestial beings when he is residing in Tusita Heaven.


After descending to human world and attaining Enlightenment, Buddha Maitreya will hold the Three Great Assemblies and turn the Dharma Wheel. There are a few versions of what Maitreya will speak to audiences in Buddhist sutras, but most versions of Maitreyavyakarana Sutra mentioned that Maitreya will speak on Four Noble Truths to His disciples.


During the first great assembly, 96 kotis of people will attain Arhatship. In the second great assembly, 94 kotis of people will attain Arhatship. In the third great assembly, 92 kotis of people will attain Arhatship. These are the people who did not manage to attain Arhatship during the time of Buddha Sakyamuni. Buddha Maitreya will remain in this world for 60,000 years and go into parinirvana . After His parinirvana, Dharma will still remain in this world for another 60,000 years.


Scriptures on Buddha Maitreya also mentioned about various ways of cultivation to reborn in the world of Maitreya.

The Buddha Speaks the Contemplation of Maitreya Bodhisattva Ascending to the Tusita Heaven Sutra

In The Buddha Speaks the Contemplation of Maitreya Bodhisattva Ascending to the Tusita Heaven Sutra, those who wish to reborn in Tusita Heaven should practise Five Precepts, Eight Precepts, Upasampadā (The complete rules or commandments), cultivate oneself diligently with Ten Good Deeds and think of the various joys in Tusita Heaven. According to the sutra, after the parinirvana of Buddha Sakyamuni, those who diligently cultivate good karma, good deportment, clean pagodas and temples, offer flowers to Dharma practitioners, practise meditation, read the sutras, always visualise the image of Buddha and chant the name of Buddha, observe the Eight Precepts and purify his body, speech and mind, will instantly reborn in Tusita Heaven when he passes away.

Maitreyavyakarana Sutra

In various versions of Maitreyavyakarana Sutra, Buddha Maitreya also speaks on how human beings can reborn in His world. Maitreyavyakarana Sutra, Foshuo Mile Xiasheng Chengfo Jing (《佛說彌勒下生成佛經》) translated by Kumarajiva, for example, mentioned that those who reborn in His world is whether:

not seeking the pleasures of this life or of the next life in heaven, but the conditions for the eternal bliss of nirvāṇa,


taught by Buddha Sakyamuni, planted the conditions for the future and would see Buddha Maitreya,


by reading and reciting, or by decisively classifying in the Tripitaka the Sutras, the Vinaya, and the Abhidharma,


have cultivated virtues by giving others food and clothing,


by offering the Buddha canopies, flowers and incense,


by making dana, being a vegetarian for developing loving kindness,


by invoking profound loving kindness and compassion for sentient beings in misery and personally bearing their sufferings to give them happiness,


by observing the precepts and enduring adversities,


by offering food to the monks who came from everywhere to attend the Dharma assemblies,


have cultivated affliction-free wisdom by observing the precepts, hearing much [of the Dharma] and practicing meditation, and


by erecting pagodas and making offerings to holy relics.



In the Dasabodhisatta-uddesa,[142] Buddha Gautama says to Ven. Sariputta,

"Not all men will see my physical body. If they encounter my Teachings (sasana), give gifts (dana), observe morality (sila), and cultivate development of the mind (bhavana), through the fruit of that, they will be reborn in the time of Buddha Ariya Metteyya."


Five Treatises of Maitreya

Also of great importance are the "Five Treatises of Maitreya". These texts are said to have been related to Asanga by Buddha Maitreya, and comprise the heart of the Yogacara (or Cittamatra, "Mind-Only") school of philosophy in which all Tibetan Buddhist scholars are well-versed. They are as follows:


  • Ornament for Clear Realization (Abhisamayalankara, Tib. mngon-par rtogs-pa'i rgyan)
  • Ornament for the Mahayana Sutras (Mahayanasutralankara, Tib. theg-pa chen-po'i mdo-sde'i rgyan)
  • Sublime Continuum of the Mahayana (Mahayanottaratantrashastra, Ratnagotravibhaga, Tib. theg-pa chen-po rgyud-bla-ma'i bstan)
  • Distinguishing Phenomena and Pure Being (Dharmadharmatavibhanga, Tib. chos-dang chos-nyid rnam-par 'byed-pa)
  • Distinguishing the Middle and the Extremes (Madhyantavibhanga, Tib. dbus-dang mtha' rnam-par 'byed-pa)

About Maitri

The name Maitreya is derived from the word maitri (sanskrit; metta in pali) which means loving-kindness (慈爱). Thus, Buddha Maitreya is also known as the Buddha of loving-kindness. When our mind of loving-kindness is developed to its fullest potential through meditation, it is called universal love, which is the wish for all living beings without exception to experience true lasting happiness. Universal love conjoined with great compassion is the principal cause for developing Bodhichitta, the mind that spontaneously aspires to become a Buddha for the sake of all beings.


In accordance with Tibeto-Indian religious-historical accounts, Buddha Shakyamuni transmitted His teachings on developing Bodhichitta (which includes instructions on developing universal love) to Maitreya. Maitreya then transmitted them directly to Asanga in Tushita pure land. Upon returning to earth, Asanga passed them to his brother Vasubandhu. This lineage has been transmitted from teacher to disciple for centuries and is currently kept alive by lineage holders of all four Tibetan traditions.


Asanga, Vasubandhu, together with Nagarjuna, Aryadeva, Dharmakirti, Dignaga, Gunaprabha and Shakyaprabha constitutes the famed Six Ornaments and the Two Supreme Ones of the Southern Continent (i.e. India).


Just before He demonstrated the attainment of enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, Buddha defeated the Maras through the power of His concentration on metta.


It is noteworthy that the charity organisation that Venerable Chao Khun Fa Zhao has founded is also named Metta.

About Mantras of Buddha Maitreya

The Root Mantra

Homage to the Three Jewels
Homage to the Lord Shakyamuni, Tathagata, Arhat, Completely Perfect Buddha
As follows: Om Invincible, Invincible, Unconquered


Conquer the Unconquered, take, take [it]
You Who Look Down with Friendliness, act, act


Bring, bring the fulfillment of your great pledge
Shake the seat of great awakening


Remember, remember [your] pledge for us


Awakening, awakening, great awakening, svaha
Heart Mantra
Om fascinating, fascinating, greatly fascinating, svaha
Close Heart Mantra
Om sage, sage, remember, svaha

About Art

Maitreya is typically pictured seated, with either both feet on the ground or crossed at the ankles, on a throne, waiting for his time. He is dressed in the clothes of either a Bhiksu or Indian royalty. As a bodhisattva, he would usually be standing and dressed in jewels. Usually, he wears a small stupa in his headdress that represents the stupa of the Buddha Sakyamuni's relics to help him identify it when his turn comes to lay claim to his succession. He also holds a dharmachakra resting on a lotus. A khata is always tied around his waist as a girdle.

Maitreya (Collection of Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum - Buddhist Culture Museum; NP001; above) is portrayed as a bodhisattva. Wearing a leaf crown, a graceful robe and adorned with accessories, the Maitreya looks like a royal prince or Hindu deity. Such depiction is inspired by the image of deities in esoteric art. At the centre of Maitreya's crown is a stupa, which represents the Buddha Shakyamuni as His teacher. It also shows Maitreya's respect towards His teacher. Maitreya is portrayed sitting with both legs pendant, suggesting that He is ready to descend to our world. The dharmachakra mudra that Maitreya is displaying shows that He will be giving lectures on Dharma when He becomes the Buddha.


Besides displaying the mudra, Maitreya is holding onto two Nagapushpa flowers. This signifies that Maitreya will attain His Enlightenment under a Nagapushpa tree. There are two attributes on the Nagapushpa flowers that Maitreya is holding. On the left is a water vase, which possibly represents the Kunda or water phial. It is believed to symbolise Maitreya's identity as a Brahmin when he descends to our world. On the right is a dharmachakra, which shows that Maitreya will preach the Buddha Dharma after His Enlightenment.

These are Nepali-Tibetan styled Maitreya statues (left),also from the collection in the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum - Buddhist Culture Museum. The left (NP003) is currently on display in our museum. He is wearing a crown with precious stones and has a stupa-like finial on His ushnisha (topknot). His body is slender and adorned with jewellery. He sits in the Pralambapadasana posture with both feet resting on a lotus pedestal and both hands in the Dharmacakra mudra (turning the Wheel of Dharma hand gesture). On each side of the Bodhisattva is a lotus flower. A water flask is on top of the lotus on the left.

Also known as the Candana (Sandalwood) Buddha, this statue of Buddha Maitreya (CN111; see below; anonymous collector, sold in Sotheby’s, Paris, December 2007, as lot no. 2 to Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum.) was made during the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). The Candana Buddha statue was said to be created by King Udayana of Kosambi in ancient India who wanted to have a statue of the Buddha to remember him by. This statue was believed to be the first iconic representation of Buddha Sakyamuni. The Ekottaragama Sutra mentioned that Queen Maya passed away seven days after giving birth to the prince and ascended to Trayastrimsa Heaven reborn as a deva. After His enlightenment, Buddha Sakyamuni ascended to Trayastrimsa Heaven to preach the dharma to Queen Maya for three months. As King Udayana was separated from Buddha Sakyamuni whom he revered very much, he subsequently fell sick with worry and anxiety.


King Udayana was the ruler of Kosambi, who became a dharma protector of Buddha Sakyamuni after his wife became a devout Buddhist. Seeing King Udayana unable to get over his distress, his officials constructed a five feet tall Buddha statue from candana (a kind of sandalwood). Only then did King Udayana recover. Legend has it that the art of making the Candana Buddha later spread to China and Japan. Our artefact is modelled after the Candana Buddha image.


The unique traits of the Candana Buddha include: wearing a kasaya (monk’s robes) with U-shaped folds that drape from the shoulders, standing on a lotus pedestal and revealing both feet and the right hand forming the abhaya mudra (fearlessness gesture; the hand is half-raised with the palm facing outwards) while the left is in varada mudra (wish-granting gesture; the hand hangs downwards to the knee with the palm facing outwards). Wearing a regal-looking crown on his head, the statuette has wavy hair and a high ushnisha, which belongs to the style of esoteric Buddhism. He has expressive, delicate features and wears a smile. He also wears earrings and has a serene expression. There are delicate floral patterns at the ends of the robes. A vishvavajra (crossed vajra) is engraved on the base of the statuette, which is used to seal deity statues after they have been consecrated. It is usually represented with its axes of orientation in the cardinal directions. This skilfully crafted statuette shows the majestic beauty of Buddha Maitreya.

In the Greco-Buddhist art of Gandhara, in the first centuries CE in northern India, Maitreya is represented as a Central Asian or northern Indian nobleman, holding a "water phial" (Sanskrit: Kumbha) in his left hand. Sometimes this is a "wisdom urn" (Sanskrit: Bumpa). He is flanked by his two acolytes, the brothers Asanga and Vasubandhu.


Buddha Maitreya (IN013; right) is seated in a dhyanasana posture (the meditation position in which the Buddha is usually shown seated, cross-legged, with the soles of the feet visible) on a low throne covered with a cushion and a carpet. His folded hands hold a floral spray, which might be a Nagapushpa flower. He is wearing diaphanous robes, a scarf across his waist and multiple necklaces and arm bands. He has deep-set eyes, a high nose and moustache. His face shows a benign expression and hair arranged in a topknot. The halo or aureole in circular shape is a distinct feature found in sculptures of the Gandhara period where it has Roman-Greek influences. The heavily folded U-shape cascading pattern of Maitreya’s robe is also unique to Gandharan art.

About Budai

buddha maitreya trinity

Since his death, the Chinese monk Budai (Chinese: 布袋; pinyin: Bùdài means "Cloth Sack”; Japanese: Hotei 布袋); has been popularly regarded as an incarnation of the Bodhisattva Maitreya. His depiction as the Laughing Buddha continues to be very popular in East Asian culture.


According to Chinese history, Budai was an eccentric Chinese Zen (Chán) monk who lived during the Later Liang Dynasty (907–923 CE) of China. He was a native of Fenghua, and his Buddhist name was Qieci (Chinese: 契此; pinyin: Qiècǐ; literally "Promise this"). He was considered a man of good and loving character. His identification with the Bodhisattva Maitreya is attributed to a Buddhist hymn (Chinese: 偈语; pinyin: jìyǔ) he uttered before his death:



Maitreya, the true Maitreya
has billions of incarnations.
Often he is shown to people at the time;
other times they do not recognize him.


During the Song Dynasty, the image of a pot-bellied Buddha Maitreya gained popularity. Thereafter, Chinese monasteries seldom make images of the early sitting Buddha Maitreya.

Even when they do, they often fail to add in the icons of the two attendant Bodhisattvas flanking him. As such, these two attendant Bodhisattvas and their honorific titles have largely fallen into obscurity.


However, some monasteries in Japan still keep the tradition of the Maitreya Trinity, i.e. making icons of the central Buddha coupled with the two Bodhisattvas. In China, remnant icons of the attendant Bodhisattvas flanking Maitreya can still be found in the western niche of Cave 194 at Dunhuang's Mogao Grottoes.

Development of Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum Maitreya Statue

In 2004, the artefact printed on the front cover of the commemorative issue of the Sacred Buddha Tooth Exhibition held at Suntec City Convention Centre, was the Maitreya in large stone (left photo) from the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum collection.

buddha maitreya trinity

Also In 2004, the Sacred Buddha Tooth Exhibition was held again, this time at the Singapore Expo, another Maitreya in large stone (left photo) was used on the front cover of its commemorative issue.

buddha maitreya trinity

When Venerable Chao Khun Fa Zhao was in the one-year Dharma Retreat in 2003 at the Golden Pagoda Buddhist Temple, he began planning for the creation of Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum. Due to the narrow width of the site, he decided not to have the typical Mahayana Buddha Triad of most Chinese temples. Hence, the choice was to develop a Tang Dynasty Buddha Maitreya, as this was the prevalent Buddha of worship during the Tang era.

After researching the various publications, we found some Tang period Buddha Maitreya pictures. The Tang period Buddha Maitreya of Foguang temple in Mount Wutai, Shanxi, China was the basis for development.

buddha maitreya trinity

These pictures were given to Singaporean artist Mr Goh Ee Choo, along with a briefing of our requirements for him to prepare a sketch. The sketch was produced and shown to Venerable Chao Khun Fa Zhao.

The Chin Ting Enterprise Co Ltd, from Fuzhouin China was commissioned to produce a small wooden model of Maitreya. The finished model arrived in March 2006 and displayed in our temporary showroom office at 293 South Bridge Road for public viewing and feedback.

The required height of 15 feet for the Maitreya Buddha statue was computed from a visitor’s view standing at the temple’s mountain gate. A full size scale Buddha Maitreya Thangka was commissioned to ascertain the visual impact.

The Thangka was hung at the Sago Lane exhibition site for 8 months, from January to August 2006.

The design was also given to the interior consultant to develop the stage and backdrop.

The preliminary design was then integrated into the whole hall.

The material for the Buddha statue was deliberated and Venerable Chao Khun Fa Zhao finally decided to use the Taiwanese hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana or Chamaecyparis taiwanensis). This cypress wood is often the preferred wood in East Asia for Buddha statues. It is grown for its very high quality timber in the United States, Taiwan and Japan, where it is used as a material for building palaces, temples, shrines, traditional theatres, table tennis blades and baths. The wood is lemon-scented, light pinkish-brown, with a rich, straight grain, and is highly rot-resistant.

We visited many wood carvers in China and Taiwan to inspect their workmanship. The carving of the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum - Buddha Maitreya Image was finally awarded to the renowned Taiwanese master carver Mr Chen Mingfeng of Taiwan Huangmu Art Center at Miao Li, Taiwan. Incidentally, Mr Chen was also the carver for the Golden Pagoda Buddhist Temple's Medicine Buddha image (top).

A search was made through many sawmills in Taiwan, but unfortunately, we could not find such a big piece of log. As the time required for this main feature of the temple was running out, it was decided to join several pieces of logs to get the desired size. Miraculously, we received a telephone call from Taiwan on October 2005 advising that a log which size fitted our requirement had been found that morning. The sawmill owner had actually forgotten about this log. It was a quarter of the original tree and he had sold 3 of the quarters about 20 years ago. As there was no buyer then, he had placed the remaining piece into the sawmill pond. While he was lifting other logs from the pond to show some buyers who came to look for timber, he unexpectedly found this piece of log. Upon receiving the news of such a discovery, Venerable Chao Khun Fa Zhao quickly gave instruction to purchase the hinoki log and he rushed over to Taiwan to conduct further inspection.

The final model was developed and the dimensions computed according to the view from the mountain gate. The design for the 2 accompanying Bodhisattvas was also firmed up.

buddha maitreya trinity

A polystyrene full-scale model was made to ascertain the desired details before carving commenced. Venerable Chao Khun Fa Zhao inspected and fine-tuned the polystyrene model in early November 2005.

A blessing ceremony for the commencement of wood carving was held on 7 November 2005, led by Venerable Chao Khun Fa Zhao together with the Sangha from Taiwan and devotees from Singapore.

buddha maitreya trinity
buddha maitreya trinity

With great sincerity, Mr Chen Mingfeng and his team started the carving work in earnest. Venerable Chao Khun Fa Zhao made several trips to monitor the progress and fine tune their work. By 27 March 2006, the main features of the carving were completed.

The Maitreya Sumeru Vault ceremony was held on 26 September 2006 to prepare the altar for receiving the Maitreya statue.

Maitreya Singhasana Stage

To complement the large Maitreya Buddha statue, Venerable Chao Khun Fa Zhao decided to erect a concrete Sumeru Vault and clad it with traditional lacquered panels. The Chin Ting Enterprise Co Ltd of Fuzhou, China was commissioned to develop the Singhasana stage in Tang period tradition.

You will notice the colourful, prancing lions at the base, a symbol of royalty, strength and courage. In Buddhism, the lion’s roar represents the 'Voice of the Law' and a symbol of the great strength of His Teachings.

The fully completed Buddha Maitreya statue was inspected in Taiwan by Venerable Chao Khun Fa Zhao.

It was then shipped to Singapore on November 2006 and placed at our Loyang workshop for further preparations.

The Maitreya Throne Sealing Ceremony was held on 21 January 2007.

The team from Shanghai You Shan Guan Decorative Design Co Ltd, led by Mr Zhang Jian commenced the painstaking task of painting the Maitreya Buddha, the pedestal throne and the aureole, at our Loyang workshop.

On 30 April 2007, the Maitreya was finally hoisted onto its final place.

From 1 to 7 May 2007, 15 monks from Sichuan, China conducted a 24-hours by 7-days, purification and blessing ceremony.

This was followed by the final laying of the gold trimmings and final paint touch-ups. By opening day, the Buddha Maitreya was ready, but without the 2 Bodhisattvas.


The crown was also redesigned.


The Bodhisattva Dharma Garden Grove on the left with a slightly shorter apron, and the Bodhisattva Great Wondrous Appearance on the right with a longer apron were installed.

The Maitreya Buddha was consecrated by the President of World Buddhist Sangha Council Venerable Jing Xin of Taiwan during the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum Grand Consecration Ceremony on 17 May 2008.


About 2 Bodhisattvas

The design for the 2 Bodhisattvas was confirmed after much research and references to multiple versions.

The two attendant Bodhisattvas are in the Tribhanga (triple flexion) posture on a lotus pedestal, with hands in Anjali mudra (offering and veneration). There is a cintamanicakra aureole behind their heads. Bodhisattva Dharma Garden Grove on the left has a slightly shorter apron, whilst the Bodhisattva Great Wondrous Appearance on the right has a longer apron.

These were hand carved by Mr Qiu Bin Xin from Taishin Arts & Crafts Enterprise, Miao Li, Taiwan and hand painted by Shanghai You Shan Guan Decorative Design Co Ltd, led by Mr Zhang Jian.

Maitreya Stage Columns and Beam

As the Singhasana stage is large, Venerable Chao Khun Fa Zhao decided to install huge stage columns and beam to provide a counterbalance and to frame the entire view to make it look more magnificent. These columns and beam are made from solid Canadian Hinoki logs and capped with gilt elephants. They were manufactured by Xianyou Longwei Arts & Crafts Ltd from Putian of Fujian, China.

The Buddha Maitreya and attendant Bodhisattvas, placed in the Hundred Dragons Hall, are dedicated to world peace, , compassion, friendship, success, happiness and to transfer merits to all sentient beings for good health, prosperity and to be reborn during the Maitreya era to gain Enlightment under Buddha Maitreya.

Pilgrimage Site

The pilgrimage site is Mount Leshan, Chengdu, China.

Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum Maitreya Ceremonies

The Buddha Maitreya birthday falls on the first day of the lunar year, which coincides with the Lunar Chinese New Year celebrations. The ceremony begins on the eve with special blessings for our donors of the Hundred Buddhas.


This is followed by a ceremony to welcome the Sacred Buddha Tooth Relic from the Gold Stupa onto a special pavilion in the Stupa Chamber. During the new lunar year, the Sacred Buddha Tooth Relic will be exhibited for 3 days at the pavilion so that devotees can venerate at a close distance.

Chinese New Year

On Chinese New Year Day, Venerable Chao Khun Fa Zhao will welcome and bless devotees at the Hundred Dragons Hall. Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum will also distribute special Dzambala coins and offer free vegetarian meals.

Monthly Maitreya Ceremony

On the first day of every lunar month, starting from the 2nd lunar month onwards, the temple conducts a Buddha Maitreya blessings ceremony. The ceremony includes the chanting of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sutra, which has been specially rearranged into 11 sections for the 11 months.


  1. Bhikkhu Kumarajiva, Maitreyavyakarana Sutra, The Prophecy of Maitreya, A Translation by Bhikkhu Kumarajiva, Mile chengfo jing (彌勒成佛經)

  2. The Sutra That Expounds The Descent Of Maitreya Buddha And His Enlightenment, (Taisho Vol 14, No 468);

    Translated by Kumārajīva, Tripiṭaka Master of Kucha Country, in the time of the Late Qin, Translated by Shotaro Iida and Jane Goldstone

    Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai America, Inc; 2016,

  3. Edward Conze, The Prophecy Concerning Maitreya ('Maitreyavyakarana'), Translation by Edward Conze, in his Buddhist Scriptures, Penguin Books, 1959

  4. Maurice Walshe, Cakkavatti Sihanada Sutta: The Lion's Roar on the Turning of the Wheel, The Long Discourses of the Buddha - A Translation of the Digha Nikaya, Wisdom Publications, ISBN 0-86171-103-3

  5. Buddhavamsa, The Chonicles of Buddhas,

  6. Elder Ashin Kassapa, Anagatavamsa, The Chronicle of the Future Buddha,

  7. Dasabodhisattuppattikartha, The Birth Stories of the Ten Bodhisattas,

  8. Śramaṇa Pāramiti, Surangama Sutra, 大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經 (commonly楞嚴經), translated in 705 CE by Śramaṇa Pāramiti from Central India, verses 111 - 118

  9. The Coming Buddha Ariya Metteyya, Buddhist Publication Society, Wheel Publication, 1992, ISBN 955-24-0098-8,

  10. John Clifford Holt, Anagatavamsa Desana: The Sermon of the Chronicle-To-Be, 1993, ISBN 13-978-81-208-1133-1/9788120811331

  11. Inchang Kim, The Future Buddha Maitreya - An Iconological Study, D. K. Printworld (P) Ltd., 1997, ISBN 81-246-0082-1,

  12. Asha Das, Maitreya Buddha in Literature, History and Art, Punthi Pushak, 2003, ISBN 81-86791-38-8,

  13. Lokesh Chandra, Dictionary of Buddhist Iconography, International Academy of Indian Culture and Aditya Prakashan, 1999, Vol 7, pages 2054 - 2104

  14. Meher McArthur, Reading Buddhist Art, An Illustrated Guide to Buddhist Signs & Symbols, Thames & Hudson,2002, pages 32 - 33

  15. Louis Frederic, Buddhism, Flammarion Iconographic Guides, 1995, ISBN 2-08013-558-9, pages 118 - 121

  16. Jackie Menzies, Buddha Radiant Awakening, Art Gallery of New South Wales and VisAsia, 2002, ISBN 0734763220, pages 160 - 169

  17. Laurence G Liu, Chinese Architecture, Academy Editions, 1989, ISBN 0-85670-980-8, chapter 4 - religious Buildings, pages 86 - 94

  18. Thubten Yeshe, Universal Love: The Yoga Method of Buddha Maitreya, edited by Nicholas Ribush, Boston: Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive, 2008, p.127-128.